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Exhibitions and museums


Saint Louis Universal Exhibition, USA

Silver Medal awarded to Belmonte for his leather works


Milan International Exhibition

Diploma of Honor and Gold Medal awarded to Belmonte in the Decorative Arts category


Godollo Artists Group Exhibition, National Salon (Godollo?)

December 1976-February 1977

1900, Art in Hungary, Musée du Petit Palais (Paris, France)

February 2000

Szecesszio : a huszadik szarad hajnala. Museum of Applied Arts (Budapest, Hungary)

June 21- Oct. 3 2001

Jardin d'Éden. Domaine Cataraqui (Québec, Canada)





Godollo Museum, Hungary

Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, Hungary

Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada

Laurence Dupourqué © 2012​

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